Scoliosis Brace

What is Scoliosis?

What is scoliosis and scoliosis brace? Scoliosis is a condition in which the spine curves sideways. Normally, the spine moves along a straight line, but the spine of a person with scoliosis curves to the right or left, and the spine is twisted. Scoliosis can occur at any age, but is most common in adolescent girls.

Scoliosis is usually caused by the following reasons:

  • Idiopathic: It is a type of scoliosis of unknown cause and is the most common type.
  • Congenital: It is scoliosis that occurs due to a congenital disorder.
  • Neuromuscular: Scoliosis caused by neuromuscular diseases (eg, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy).
  • Traumatic: Scoliosis that occurs due to injury or accidental damage to the spine.

What are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a lateral (right or left) curvature of the spine and can occur in the back or lumbar region. Symptoms of scoliosis include:

  1. Curvature of the spine: The most obvious symptom of scoliosis is the curvature of the spine to the side. This curvature is visible and usually curves in a certain direction.
  2. Balance disorder: In advanced stages of scoliosis, balance disorder may occur due to the curvature of the spine. In this case, the person may lose balance while walking or standing.
  3. Humpback: Scoliosis can cause hunchback due to curvature of the spine. This can also distort the shape of the spine, causing other symptoms such as low back and neck pain.
  4. Shoulder and hip asymmetry: Scoliosis can cause shoulder and hip levels to differ due to the curvature of the spine. This can cause shoulders and hips to appear at different heights.
  5. Shortness of breath: In the advanced stages of scoliosis, the rib cage may be compressed due to the curvature of the spine and breathing may be difficult.
  6. Back pain: Scoliosis can cause back pain due to curvature of the spine. This pain is usually concentrated in the area where the spine curves.

The symptoms of scoliosis can vary from person to person, and some people may have more severe symptoms, while others may be milder. If signs of scoliosis are noticed, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

What Does a Scoliosis Brace Do?

  • The scoliosis brace is an orthopedic device used in the treatment of people with a spinal curvature disorder called scoliosis. Scoliosis is a condition characterized by an abnormal curving of the spine to the right or left. This curvature can occur during childhood or adolescence and may require surgical intervention in more severe cases.
  • A scoliosis brace is a device designed to straighten the spine or at least slow its progression. The corset covers the waist, chest and neck areas and is usually made of plastic or metal. The scoliosis brace applies pressure to align the person’s spine and prevents the spine from moving forward.
  • The scoliosis brace is used to control the curvature of the spine during childhood or adolescence. Therefore, corset treatment is usually applied before the age of 18. However, some adults can also get brace treatment. Scoliosis brace is an effective option to control spinal curvature and improve quality of life without surgical intervention.

New Generation Scoliosis Brace

  • Scoliosis brace are specially produced from a mixture of fabric, plastic and metal. The corset can extend from the pelvis to the neck, depending on the shape of the scoliosis. Generally, correction is tried to be achieved by applying pressure to the opposite side with the pads at the top of the inclination angle.
  • The scoliosis brace, also known as the upright brace, has a reducing effect on the progression of scoliosis, if not used at the right time, the patient may face serious problems. Scoliosis usually occurs during adolescence. Early diagnosis is very important in this disease. Discomfort begins as the spine bends to one side, and then the spine rotates around itself, resulting in a skew in the ribs. Some of these effects can also lead to a hump on the back.
  • Since scoliosis usually begins to appear in childhood, the curvature of the spine increases with the effect of growth. Serious problems can occur when the inclination of the spine exceeds 25 degrees. Correct timing is very important in this respect. Even if the scoliosis brace does not completely correct the scoliosis that increases with growth, it stops the development of the disease and improves the patient’s quality of life. If left untreated, scoliosis can cause respiratory and gastrointestinal problems, a deformed and painful spine. The disease progresses more rapidly, especially in women.
  • Those who use a scoliosis brace will see that the level of increase in the degree of scoliosis does not increase and that scoliosis is treatable.
    The new generation scoliosis brace, also known as the 3-dimensional scoliosis brace, is widely used today.
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How to Diagnose for Scoliosis Brace?

Scoliosis is a condition characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. Scoliosis brace is a treatment method used to correct and stop these curves. The following steps can be followed to diagnose scoliosis brace:

  1. Physical examination: The doctor will perform a physical examination before making a diagnosis for scoliosis brace. This may include assessing the degree of curvature of the spine and the strength of the muscles around the spine.
  2. X-ray: The doctor may take an X-ray to examine the shape of the spine in more detail. This test is used to determine the degree and direction of the curve of the spine.
  3. Scoliosis scale: The doctor can use a scoliosis scale to determine the severity of the scoliosis curve. This scale is a system used to determine the degree of curvature of the spine.
  4. Other tests: Sometimes the doctor may order other tests to diagnose scoliosis brace. These tests may include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scans.

After the diagnosis for scoliosis brace is made, a treatment plan is created. This treatment plan may vary according to the degree of scoliosis and the age and general health of the patient.

Scoliosis Corset Types

The scoliosis brace is a kind of orthopedic device used to correct the posture of people with scoliosis and to support the spine. Scoliosis braces can be of various types and each works in different ways. Some types of scoliosis corsets are:

  1. Boston corset: This is a corset that extends from the lower back to the hips and is used especially in C-type scoliosis cases.
  2. Charleston corset: This corset is worn overnight to straighten the spine that slopes to one side and to the other.
  3. Milwaukee corset: This corset is a type of corset that extends to the neck, chest and hips and is used especially in cases of scoliosis in the upper part of the spine.
  4. Wilmington brace: This brace is a brace used especially in cases of L-type scoliosis and is designed to support the lower part of the spine.
  5. Lyon brace: This brace helps prevent the progression of scoliosis by putting extra pressure on the upper part of the spine where it curves.

Each type of scoliosis brace is specially designed depending on the type and severity of the patient’s scoliosis.

TLSO ( Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis)

  1. Tlso (Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis)
    The most commonly used underarm cane type scoliosis brace.
  2. It is used in the treatment of scoliosis in the waist and back region of the spine.
  3. It is custom made from plastic material to fit the patient’s body perfectly.
  4. Scoliosis works with the logic of support from 3 points in the opposite direction.
  5. It is made of thin material and is suitable to be worn under clothes. It is not obvious from the outside.

The daily use time can be up to 23 hours.

Spinecor Scoliosis Corset

  1. Spinecor Scoliosis Corset

  2. The feature of this scoliosis brace is that it is the most dynamic brace, allowing natural movements of the spine.

  3. It is used in patients with idiopathic scoliosis.
    It is prepared using computer software as well as X-ray findings.

  4. Many muscle groups in the spine can be strengthened.

  5. It relieves muscle pain and fatigue due to posture disorder.

  6. Since it allows the normal movements of the spine, it helps to strengthen the spinal muscles compared to other molded corsets.

  7. It allows activities such as games and sports and is suitable for wearing under clothes.

  8. It is the type of corset with the highest level of compatibility with the patient.

    Next Article: Silicone Prosthetic

    Wikipedia: Scoliosis


What is Scoliosis Brace Treatment?

  1. Scoliosis brace treatment is a method used in the treatment of spinal curvature called scoliosis. Scoliosis refers to the lateral curvature of the spine and usually occurs in adolescents.
  2. Scoliosis brace treatment is used to help the spine grow properly and prevent its progression. The brace works by reducing the pressure on the spine and keeping the spine in the correct position.
  3. The duration of treatment can usually range from 1 to 4 years, and the corset is usually worn for most of the day. Scoliosis brace treatment is recommended for those who have more than a certain level of scoliosis. The effectiveness of the treatment may vary depending on the severity of the scoliosis, the age of the patient and the frequency of corset use.
  4. Scoliosis brace treatment is a treatment method that is frequently used in mild to moderate scoliosis cases that do not require surgical intervention. However, surgical intervention may be required in severe cases of scoliosis. Therefore, it is important to always consult a doctor for the treatment of scoliosis.

Scoliosis Brace Medical​

Scoliosis brace medical is a treatment method used to correct and stop the lateral curvature of the spine. However, factors such as the degree of scoliosis, the age of the patient, the curvature of the spine and the lifestyle of the patient should be taken into account in order to decide which type of scoliosis brace to choose.

Types of scoliosis braces include:

  1. Boston brace: This brace is recommended for patients with a low degree of scoliosis. This corset is used to correct the curves of the spine in the chest area.
  2. Charleston corset: This corset is recommended in cases where the curvature of the spine is higher. This corset is used to correct the curvature of the spine while the patient is sleeping.
  3. Milwaukee corset: This corset is used to correct spinal curves in the neck and chest area. However, this brace is rarely used and is usually preferred for more advanced cases of scoliosis.
  4. Wilmington corset: This corset is used to correct spinal curves in the back and waist area. This corset is suitable for lower grade scoliosis cases.

TLSO (thoracolumbosacral orthosis) brace: This brace is used to correct spinal curves in the chest, back and waist area. This corset is recommended for patients with moderate degree of scoliosis.

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Use of Scoliosis Brace

  1. Scoliosis is a condition characterized by a sideways curvature of the spine. A scoliosis brace is a device that helps properly align the spine. Exercising with a scoliosis brace may not be recommended in some cases, as it may increase the pressure on the spine.
  2. However, it is possible to perform exercises compatible with the scoliosis brace. Exercises with appropriate techniques and movements while wearing the corset can benefit the health of the spine.
  3. Especially in cases where the risk of progression of scoliosis is high, the exercises performed with the scoliosis brace can slow the progression by increasing the flexibility and strength of the spine. These exercises are often divided into categories such as posture exercises, stretches, and strengthening exercises.
  4. However, when exercising with a scoliosis brace, it is important to learn the right techniques and to have regular check-ups. Improper exercises or incorrect techniques can cause further damage to the spine. Therefore, before exercising with the scoliosis brace, it is important to consult with a physiotherapist and plan an appropriate exercise program.

How to Use Scoliosis Corset?

A scoliosis brace is a device used for the treatment of spinal curvature and is usually recommended and worn by a healthcare professional. How to wear and use the brace may vary depending on the degree of curvature of the spine, the patient’s age, activity level, and other factors.

The scoliosis brace can usually be worn on the waist, chest, or both. Correct fitting and adjustment of the brace can increase the effectiveness of treatment.

Fitting the corset may include the following steps:

  1. The healthcare professional evaluates the patient’s spinal curvature and selects the appropriate brace.
  2. The corset is adapted to the patient’s body. It is recommended that the corset be fitted by a healthcare professional to ensure it is the correct size and fitted properly.
  3. During the first time the corset is put on, it is normal for the patient to feel uncomfortable. However, if there is excessive pain or discomfort, the healthcare professional should be reported.
  4. For the corset to be fitted correctly, the patient may need to maintain the correct posture and adjust it regularly. The healthcare professional recommends that the patient attend regular follow-up appointments and make adjustments to the brace.

It is important for the patient to feel comfortable while wearing the scoliosis brace. When fitted correctly, the brace can reduce the curvature of the spine without interfering with the patient’s daily activities.

Scoliosis Corset Prices

  1. Scoliosis corset prices may vary depending on the type, size, material, manufacturer and country of purchase. Also, the characteristics of the corset can affect the price. For example, a corset made of lightweight and breathable materials may be more expensive.
  2. Scoliosis corset prices may vary from country to country. For example, in the United States, prices for scoliosis braces can range from $500 to $5,000. In Turkey, prices can vary between 1000 and 10,000 Turkish Liras.
  3. Scoliosis brace prices may also vary according to the health institution, pharmacy or online retailers where the brace will be purchased. Also, some health insurance companies may cover some or all of the corset’s price.
  4. To summarize, scoliosis brace prices depend on many factors and before buying it is important to research their prices and compare them between different manufacturers and sellers.

3d Scoliosis Corset

The 3d scoliosis brace is designed for the application of 3D correction to the spine. Straightening the spine, providing the elongation of the short muscles, correcting the side view of the spine and stopping the progression are among the most important purposes. 3d scoliosis corset is produced and applied by our teams, accompanied by a specialist schroth therapist.

At what intervals is the doctor's follow-up done during the corset treatment period?

At what intervals is the doctor’s follow-up done during the corset treatment period? Of course, scoliosis can vary from person to person between 3 months and 6 months at the age when growth continues. More frequent follow-up may be required in patients with high curvature.

CTLSO (Cervico-Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis) or Milwaukee Corset)

Ctlso (Cervico-Thoraco-Lumbo-Sacral Orthosis) or Milwaukee Corset)

  • It is similar in structure to TLSO.
  • It has a ring for the neck and is attached to the corset with metal rods.
  • It is suitable for patients with scoliosis in the back region.
  • The daily use time can be up to 23 hours.

Charleston Bending Corset

Charleston Bending Corset

  • It is more commonly called the night corset.
  • Back – Suitable for scoliosis in the waist or just the waist area.
  • While the corset is being prepared, the patient takes a position in the opposite direction of the curvature and applies a curvature-correcting force after it is fitted.
  • Daily usage time is 8 hours.

How Long Is the Scoliosis Corset Used?

In which cases can the scoliosis brace be removed? If the most advanced level of use in corset treatment, which requires 23 hours of use per day, has been reached, it can be taken off while taking a shower and changing clothes.